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Our approachAsterisk Icon

Feel Great is designed to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. The Feel Great approach is simple.

The practiceAsterisk Icon

Time-based eating, often referred to as intermittent fasting, has been associated with numerous health benefits.

Sounds great, right? Well, it's easier said than done. The trouble with intermittent fasting is that it is HARD. Few people are able to stick with the practice long enough to achieve real results.

That is where Feel Great comes in.
Unimate and Balance work together to help you extend the time between dinner and your first meal of the following day.

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The products


Get up and go with Unimate. This highly concentrated yerba mate drink contains a unique blend of plant compounds.


Balance is a proprietary blend of fibers, nutrients, and plant compounds that serves as a smart solution to balanced nutrition.

How It Works


7am - 9am

Minus symbol

Start your day with Unimate. Unimate boosts your morning's focus and energy without breaking your fast.

7am - 9am

Have Balance with lunch to slow the impact of the carbohydrates you consume and Unimate again to support satiety or as an afternoon pick-me-up, before your workout, or anytime during your eating window!



Drink Balance again with dinner to slow the impact of the carbohydrates you consume.


Start your fast after dinner and wait 16 hours before your next meal.

8 pm
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What experts say